The geography of deliveries
The phrase "Belarusian quality" has now become a household word. By giving preference to Belarusian goods, you will protect yourself from forgery and, undoubtedly, make the right choice.
Our online store offers welding equipment and materials at the lowest prices for welding materials of our own production and welding equipment of world brands, whose first representative we are. Here you can buy everything for welding and building in one place with delivery.
Delivery of welding materials and welding equipment in the shortest possible time.
At the request in the shortest possible time we will offer you the best offer for delivery and goods on the market. We organize delivery to the Republic of Belarus, near and far abroad, we will deliver to the most remote corners of Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan.
Our welding materials and equipment are favored by the most diverse production sites and construction companies in the former CIS. Order a test packing of welding materials and make sure that we are always honest to our customers and we speak only the truth.