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How to ignite the electrodes?

How to ignite the electrodes?

The content of welding electrodes must meet a number of requirements, required for storage storage in accordance with GOST 9466-75.
Everyone knows that the electrodes are stored in a dry heated room at a temperature of plus 15 C under conditions that protect them from contamination, moisture and mechanical damage. If these conditions are met, the expiration date of the electrodes is not limited.
Unfortunately, it is sometimes not possible to achieve such ideal storage conditions, therefore welding electrodes may not meet all requirements for welding quality during work. In this case it is necessary to have at your disposal an electric furnace, a thermo-canister or a thermocouple for calcining the electrodes. Such a furnace will help to dry the welding electrodes and prepare them for work in the workplace or at home. The price of such a device is democratic and depends on the possible functional and manufacturer. It has a small size and is ready for use at home.

What is the difference between a thermos bottle and an electric furnace for calcining the electrodes?

термопенал для прокалки сварочных электродовA pencil-thermos for calcination of electrodes or as it is called in another way thermopenal makes it possible to calcine at the necessary temperature from 5 to 10 kg of welding electrodes. 
The temperature limiter in the automatic mode will not allow to overheat and will secure the work of the thermo-pen.

Печь для прокалки электродов
Furnace for calcining electrodes
The electric furnace for calcining the electrodes will prepare for work a greater number of welding electrodes than the thermocouple - already up to 40 kg. The operating temperature is 400 degrees with a maximum time of 2 hours and 20 minutes with a fully filled chamber.
How to ignite the electrodes you can find out by reading the instructions attached to such an oven. To order an oven in our company it is possible in the sales department, by calling the phones in the header of the site. Our managers are always ready to advise clients on how to burn electrodes and how this is important for obtaining a quality result.