All you need to know about liquid glass
All you need to know about liquid glass
Liquid glass is widely used both in the construction industry and in industry. Today we will touch on the description of the liquid glass and the application of the construction area.
There are many types and methods of waterproofing space and the most unusual of them is considered liquid glass. This material is made of sodium and potassium silicates, which in turn are dissolved in water. Such an adhesive mass, perfectly suited for waterproofing any structures.
There are several types of waterproofing with liquid glass, the types between themselves are distinguished by the addition of potassium or sodium.
Liquid glass based on sodium, has a good stickiness, which allows you to use it in the most critical places, such as waterproofing the foundation. It is also used to create antiseptic impregnations. Sodium glass reacts well with mineral compounds.
The second option is water glass for waterproofing based on the addition of potassium. This additive made of metal makes the glass resistant to all atmospheric influences. Does not impart a treated surface of glare, so this glass can be used as a specialized paint.
Spheres of application of liquid glass:
Liquid glass has proved itself not only as a waterproofing. It is used to add to cement and concrete in order to obtain new grades of solutions. Such a cement mixture with a liquid glass not only protects against moisture, but also becomes a good material for strengthening the soil.The solution of liquid glass and cement is used as an additive to the ground. This is necessary to strengthen the base in the soil with a small bearing capacity under the future building.
So why is concrete added to the concrete with liquid glass, because concrete is so strong?
The main reason is that, in combination with glass, the construction itself becomes cheaper, but at the same time it is well opposed to the influence of a moist environment. Waterproofing the foundation with liquid glass is especially useful, since there is a backwater of groundwater, and the foundation construction is always under the influence of humidity. In addition, this is protection against bacteria, while in operation of a concrete structure, it will never develop a fungus or mold.
Traditionally, liquid glass is used to create a protective film on the surface that does not absorb moisture, improves wear resistance and protects the decorative layer. It should be remembered, if you decide to treat the facade with liquid glass, then after impregnation it will have poor adhesion properties. Simply put, a layer of paint will not fall on it.
With the help of this material, you can immediately make a floor with a good waterproofing, which is impossible to do with the installation of cement-sand or concrete screeds in basements or floors of the house.
In specific construction, especially in buildings with high humidity or pools, liquid glass is still popular, because it creates the most reliable waterproofing layer on a concrete surface.
Liquid glass is used in the production of building materials that have good fire resistance. On the basis of liquid glass, special types of flame retardant paints have been developed. They are made from two components. From modern materials it is possible to make a universal glue, which cover tap joints.
Cement, mixed with liquid glass, is used as a mortar for laying traditional Russian furnaces. To prepare such a solution, take three parts of sand, add to it one part of the cement and add one fifth of the silicate glue to the resulting mixture. It turns out a kind of dough, which is suitable for laying the stove, or it will become an excellent moisture-proof plaster.
Silicate glue on the basis of glass in general found wide application and not only in the construction industry. Sometimes it is used to glue a conventional polyvinyl chloride tile or linoleum. From a liquid glass it is possible to make a special putty, which is suitable for covering water pipes. Material impregnated with silicate glue becomes incombustible. This excellent property has long been noticed and used for impregnating fabrics, obtaining reliable protective materials.
Very unusual application for liquid glass found gardeners. In the spring, grafting of trees is required, and after this procedure there remains a small wound. It can cause harmful bacteria, so gardeners treat the wound with liquid glass. In this case, the wound is simply sealed.
To create a protective film on the surface. The material should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2. With this consistency, the consumption is about 300 grams per square meter. Waterproofing with glass is used on sections of walls with weathered plaster or uneven concrete to strengthen the layer and create an antiseptic protection.Different methods of application allow different effects on the outer layer of the concrete surface. The use of liquid glass for waterproofing begins with the preparation of the surface, it is degreased and cleaned together with the alignment of the sections, if necessary. To impregnate concrete to a shallow depth no more than 2 mm, then take an ordinary brush or spray gun. If deep protection is required, the liquid glass is applied in several layers, so that the impregnation reaches 20 mm.
In order to prepare a liquid glass for concrete waterproofing it is necessary to mix it with a concrete solution in the ratio 1:10. This mixture can be used in wells, swimming pools, bathrooms, to protect the basement from groundwater, as well as all concrete and reinforced concrete structures. The material is applied to the surface very simply and when laying it fills all irregularities, creating a surface impermeable to moisture.
For the preparation of cement mortar, it is necessary to add liquid glass at a rate of one liter of glass per ten liters of concrete solution. Also, this material is suitable for anticorrosion treatment of metal structures. Especially it is necessary to waterproof the pool with liquid glass, since only such material is able to completely protect from leaks.
Attention! Do not forget about safety measures, if you work with liquid glass, then you need to use protective clothing.